It’s been awhile….. *blushes*

Well, I think we can all agree that I have not been a very good blogger in the recent months! It is rather painful to admit that it has been 110 days since my last posting. I’m not going to make excuses for falling off the flat end of the world but my life has…

Plans Change

This weekend was supposed to be the inaugural weekend for the Small Town Explorer’s travels. Plans had been made and a schedule arrange (then promptly thrown away… heehee) for visiting the first of my many small town visits. But as is normal in life, fate decided I should be elsewhere on this particular weekend…. New…

Obsessed – Food

OBSESSED! When I fall in love with a product, I don’t just like it…. I become obsessed. So each month there is going to be a little post dedicated to my current obsessions. Naturally I must start with food because really where else would I start?!? 1. Community Coffee – As a born and breed…

So I got LOST

This statement is how many of my favorite travel stories begin which naturally would make you think I have a terrible sense of direction. In reality, I can figure out a public mass transit system in two glances of the map or find that little pottery factory on a backstreet five years after first visiting….

Bucket List

I think that everyone should have a list of “fun/exciting/crazy things to do before I’m too old to enjoy them” or more commonly called a “Bucket List”. Nothing is too small or too crazy to be included on this list. Want to swim with the sharks? Put it on your list. Feel like exploring the…

Greetings from Emily, your Small Town Explorer

Hiya…. I’m Emily and I love to travel. That seems like a simple statement huh? But in reality that little statement “I like to travel” makes up a huge part of my personality. That simple love of traveling shapes my dreams and ambitions while giving me a goal to work towards during my “normal” life….